Ready, Set, Sell! Tips for Getting Your Property Ready for Sale

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Ready, Set, Sell! Tips for Getting Your Property Ready for Sale

Selling a property can be a daunting and stressful task, but with the right preparation and effort, it can also be a rewarding experience. One of the most important aspects of selling a property is getting it ready for sale. This involves several tasks, including decluttering, cleaning and staging. Meeting the expectation of the buyers in the market at present is vital in optimising the value of your property.

In this article, we will discuss some essential tips and strategies to help you get your property ready for sale and increase your chances of a successful sale. 

  1. Declutter and Depersonalize

A cluttered and personalized space can make it difficult for potential buyers to envision themselves in your home. Therefore, it is important to declutter and depersonalize your property. Remove any unnecessary items and store them away in a storage unit or garage.

Additionally, remove any personal items such as family photos, religious or political paraphernalia, and other personalized items. This will help potential buyers to see the property as a blank slate and imagine how they could make it their own.

  1. Make Minor Repairs

Minor repairs, such as fixing leaky taps, patching holes in walls, and replacing broken light fixtures, can go a long way in increasing the value of your property. These repairs can be done quickly and inexpensively and can help make a good impression on potential buyers. 

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 78% of buyers prefer move-in ready homes, so taking care of minor repairs can be a big selling point.

  1. Clean and Stage

A clean and well-staged home can help to attract potential buyers and showcase the property’s best features. Hire a professional cleaner to deep clean your property, paying special attention to areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. Additionally, consider hiring a professional stager to help showcase your property’s best features and create an inviting atmosphere.

  1. Boost Curb Appeal

First impressions are important, and the exterior of your property is the first thing potential buyers will see. Therefore, it is important to boost your property’s curb appeal. This can include simple tasks such as mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, and planting some colourful flowers. 

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 94% of agents suggest improving curb appeal to increase a property’s value.

  1. Price Your Property Competitively

Pricing your property competitively is key to attracting potential buyers. Research the local market and see what similar properties in your area are selling for. Additionally, consider hiring a professional real estate agent to help you price your property effectively. 

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 89% of sellers use a real estate agent to sell their property.

  1. Market Effectively

Marketing your property effectively is crucial to getting it sold quickly and at the best price. Consider hiring a professional photographer to take high-quality photos of your property, and create a listing that highlights its best features. Additionally, consider using social media and other online platforms to reach potential buyers. 

According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, 44% of buyers start their property search online.


Getting your property ready for sale can be a time-consuming and stressful process, but with a little effort, you can increase the chances of a successful sale and realising the revenue that is possible in today’s market. By following these tips and strategies, you can showcase your property’s best features and attract potential buyers. 

Remember, first impressions are important, so take the time to declutter, clean, stage, and boost your property’s curb appeal. Additionally, price your property competitively, and market it effectively to reach a wider audience. With these steps, you’ll be on your way to a successful sale.

Looking to get your property ready for sale? Let Luxe Clean Group Australia help! Contact us today to schedule a deep cleaning and staging session so your property looks its best for potential buyers.