weekend cleaning

The weekend is your time. Family time. Time for you to do the things you love with the people you love. But how often do you get to the weekend, the house is a mess and you wish that your Fairy Godmother would come and wave her magic wand over all of it – SWISH. . . and your house would be Sparklean!

So, how do you get your weekends back! Life is more hectic now than ever before. You run from one location to another, the last thing you need is a weekend full of cleaning the house, doing laundry, ironing and all those chores that keep you from enjoying time with your family and everything life has to offer.

Imagine having someone else do the dirty work for you. No more yelling at the kids to vacuum their rooms, no more cursing the dog that just walked all over your mopped floors. We can help bring some sanity into your chaos! Hand over the keys to us and take back your weekends. Enjoy coming home to your delightful, pristine, Sparklean home. It’ll be just like your Fairy Godmother has made a visit – until of course the kids come home!