A Quick Guide to Cleaning and Styling Your Home for Sale

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A Quick Guide to Cleaning and Styling Your Home for Sale

When it comes to real estate, first impressions matter. A lot. In fact, studies have shown that clean and well-styled properties are more likely to sell faster and for a higher price than those that aren’t.

That’s why, if you’re thinking of selling your home, it’s important to make sure it’s clean and well-styled before putting it on the market.

But what exactly does that mean? And how do you go about doing it?

Here’s a quick guide to cleaning and styling your home for sale:

  1. Start with a Deep Clean

You’ll want to start by giving your whole house a good declutter. This means saying goodbye to any clutter, such as piles of clothes, books, or toys. Once you’ve completed a good cleanse, you can move on to the actual cleaning.

Start with the kitchen and bathrooms, as these are the areas in which potential buyers will be most interested. Make sure to scrub all the surfaces, including the inside of the fridge and oven, and don’t forget to wipe down all the cabinets, doors, and floors. Focus on the things that are truly visual for your potential buyers.

  1. Focus on the Entryway

The entryway is the first thing potential buyers will see when they come to your home. Make sure it’s clean and welcoming. A few simple changes, such as adding a fresh coat of paint or a new doormat, can make a big difference.

  1. Style Each Room

Once your home is sparkling clean, it’s time to start styling each room. The goal is to make each space look its best, so potential buyers can imagine themselves living there.

In the living room, for example, you’ll want to arrange the furniture in a way that’s both pleasing to the eye and functional. In the bedroom, you might want to put out fresh linens and add some decoration, such as a vase of flowers.

And in the kitchen, clear the benchtops of all your everyday electrical items and replace them with classy cookbooks and a few well-placed items on wooden boards.


  1. Take Care of the Little Details

The little things can make a big difference when it comes to styling your home. Add some fresh flowers, scented candles, diffusers or a bowl of fruit to make each room feel more inviting.


By following these tips, you can clean and style your home to appeal to potential buyers. Remember, a clean and well-styled home will show better and is more likely to sell quickly.

Are you wanting to quickly sell your property for a higher price? You’re going to want to make sure that your home is in tip-top condition before putting it on the market. This is where a professional cleaning company like Luxe Clean Group Australia can come in handy.

Luxe Clean Group Australia has a team of experienced and qualified cleaners who can help get your home looking its best. We offer a range of property detailing services. Get in touch with us today!